One of the criteria to get employed in certain company is going through the aptitude test in which your score will be compare to a control score and that is where you will be scored either successful of not. For the company that uses aptitude test, there are certain score you need to attain before you can be called for another stage of the recruitment process. In this article, aptitude test has been grouped into 6 categories, each category has different ways aptitude can be set and it also tells what kind of aptitude test you should be expecting depending on your choosing king of job or company. For you to the download any of them, you will find a clickable link at the beginning of each types of aptitude under the categories, click on the link and it will start the download in no time and that will give you an opportunity to study them offline.

Numerical Aptitude:
Test your ability to use the basic principles of arithmetic like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. They may also use mathematical terms and methods such as decimals, percentages, ratios, roots, fractions, powers and exponents.These questions make no attempt to test your numerical reasoning ability. The method you need to get the correct answer will be obvious and to score well on these questions you will simply need to make quick and accurate calculations.If you are very rusty with arithmetic, try re-learning the times tables up to 12 and practice multiplication, division and percentage calculations. Practice can improve your test scores for all types of aptitude tests, so try as many examples as you can.These questions are directly applicable to many administrative and clerical jobs but can also appear as a component of graduate and managerial tests. The speed at which you can answer these questions is the critical measure, as most people could achieve a very high score given unlimited time in which to answer. You can therefore expect 25-35 questions in 20-30 minutes.

Verbal Ability – Comprehension Practice
Verbal comprehension questions consist of a short passage of text and some related questions. They will often be about a topic which is unfamiliar to you, but this is an advantage rather than a disadvantage because you need to answer the questions based only on the information that you are given – not using any knowledge that you already have. These types of question appear in all levels of verbal ability tests but may be more detailed and technical in graduate and management level tests. The verbal comprehension tests found in aptitude tests tend to follow a similar format in which you are asked to read through each passage and evaluate the statements that follow it. Each statement may be either: True – The statement is true given the information in the passage. False – The statement is false given the information in the passage. Can’t Say – There is insufficient information to say whether the statement is true or false. Remember that you can only evaluate the statements using the supplied passage and that you must not use any knowledge that you already have.

The ability to interpret data presented in tables, graphs and charts is a common requirement in many management and professional jobs.If you are applying for a job which involves analysis of or decision-making based on numerical data then you can expect to answer data interpretation questions.Data Interpretation questions are very widely used to assessing candidates for graduate and management level jobs. Many people who have been out of the education system for a while or who don’t use interpret graphs, pie charts, scatter diagrams and tables of data on a day-to-day basis may feel overawed by these types of question. The important thing to remember is that you don’t need to have studied mathematics to a high level to succeed. These questions are primarily tests of interpretation and the math needed is invariably straightforward. You will usually be allowed to use a calculator for these types of question and investing in one which can handle fractions and percentages is a good idea. You should also try to work through a few numerical computation practice papers to get back into swing of these types of calculation.

Abstract Reasoning:
Abstract reasoning questions test your ability to identify patterns presented in diagrammatic form and are not dependent on your knowledge of English or maths. Because they are visual questions and are independent of language and mathematical ability, they are considered to be an accurate indicator of your general intellectual ability as well as being ‘culturally fair’. Abstract reasoning ability is believed to be the best indicator of fluid intelligence and your ability to learn new things quickly. These questions use symbols arranged in a straight line or in a pattern and you are required to identify the missing symbol or the next in the sequence. Abstract reasoning ability questions are invariably multiple-choice and strictly timed. These types of question are very commonly used in graduate and managerial selection. It is not always easy to assess whether someone has the intellectual ability to see patterns and draw conclusions from unfamiliar information. Abstract reasoning questions require you to demonstrate your ability to understand complex concepts and assimilate new information. As a measure of reasoning ability, these questions are independent of educational and cultural background and provide the best indication of your intellectual potential. .