Are you a looking for a job, are you a business
man/woman, are you a school certificate holder, are you a graduate or do you need an extra source of income? Then become a Distributors in EDMARK INTERNATIONAL. The company produces healthy living products that are good for every individual, homes and families, the young and old. These products are exclusively made with natural herbs, have pleasant tastes, liquid all through, no side effects and very affordable. They prevent diseases and are good for colon cancer, diabetes, heart attack, hypertension, stroke, kidney disease, High Blood Pressure, Hormonal Imbalance, Heart & Cold, Liver problem, Rheumatism, Hepatitis, Asthma, Fibroid, Pale Complexion, Weight Problem, Skinning People, Obesity, Smoker and Alcohol Consumer, Constipation, Menstrual Pain, Arthritis, Body Odour & Bad Breadth, Infertility, Ulcer and many others. The monthly residual income, bonuses and benefits are very good and second to none other.

Experience: Not necessary as adequate training will be given.

For more enquires, contact the following numbers:
08032947310, 08180785445
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