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  1. #1
    Newbie nweke.eric's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    About This Book
    Think of this book as your friendly guide to building a Web database application.
    This book is designed as a reference, not as a tutorial, so you don’t have
    to read this book from cover to cover, unless you want to. You can start reading
    at any point in the book — In Chapter 1, Chapter 9, wherever. I divide the
    task of building a Web database application into manageable chunks of information,
    so check out the table of contents and locate the topic that you’re
    interested in. If you need to know information from another chapter to understand
    the chapter you’re reading, I reference that chapter number.
    Here’s a sample of the topics that I discuss in this book:

     Building and using a MySQL database

     Adding PHP to HTML files

     Using the features of the PHP language

     Using HTML forms to collect information from users
    Showing information from a database in a Web page

     Storing information in a database

    Conventions Used in This Book

    This book includes many examples of PHP programming statements, MySQL
    statements, or HTML. Such statements in this book are shown in a different
    typeface that looks like the following line:

    A PHP program statement

    In addition, snippets or key terms of PHP, MySQL, and HTML are sometimes
    shown in the text of a paragraph. When they are, the special text in the paragraph
    is also shown in the example typeface, different than the paragraph
    typeface. For instance, this text is an example of a PHP statement, showing
    the exact text, within the paragraph text.

    In examples, you will often see some words in italic. Italicized words are general
    types that need to be replaced with the specific name appropriate for
    your data. For instance, when you see an example like the following

    SELECT field1,field2 FROM tablename
    you know that field1, field2, and tablename need to be replaced with real
    names because they are in italic. When you use this statement in your program,
    you might use it in the following form:
    SELECT name,age FROM Customer

    In addition, you might see three dots (...) following a list in an example line.
    You don’t need to type the three dots. The three dots just mean that you can
    have as many items in the list as you want. For instance, when you see the
    following line

    SELECT field1,field2,... FROM tablename
    you don’t need to include the three dots in the statement. The three dots just
    mean that your list of fields can be longer than two. It means you can go on
    with field3, field4, and so forth. For example, your statement might be
    SELECT name,age,height,shoesize FROM Customer

    From time to time, you’ll also see some things in bold type. Pay attention to
    these; they either indicate something I want you to see or something that you
    need to type in.

  2. #2
    Newbie nweke.eric's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    About This Book
    Think of this book as your friendly guide to building a Web database application.
    This book is designed as a reference, not as a tutorial, so you don’t have
    to read this book from cover to cover, unless you want to. You can start reading
    at any point in the book — In Chapter 1, Chapter 9, wherever. I divide the
    task of building a Web database application into manageable chunks of information,
    so check out the table of contents and locate the topic that you’re
    interested in. If you need to know information from another chapter to understand
    the chapter you’re reading, I reference that chapter number.
    Here’s a sample of the topics that I discuss in this book:

     Building and using a MySQL database

     Adding PHP to HTML files

     Using the features of the PHP language

     Using HTML forms to collect information from users
    Showing information from a database in a Web page

     Storing information in a database

    Conventions Used in This Book

    This book includes many examples of PHP programming statements, MySQL
    statements, or HTML. Such statements in this book are shown in a different
    typeface that looks like the following line:

    A PHP program statement

    In addition, snippets or key terms of PHP, MySQL, and HTML are sometimes
    shown in the text of a paragraph. When they are, the special text in the paragraph
    is also shown in the example typeface, different than the paragraph
    typeface. For instance, this text is an example of a PHP statement, showing
    the exact text, within the paragraph text.

    In examples, you will often see some words in italic. Italicized words are general
    types that need to be replaced with the specific name appropriate for
    your data. For instance, when you see an example like the following

    SELECT field1,field2 FROM tablename
    you know that field1, field2, and tablename need to be replaced with real
    names because they are in italic. When you use this statement in your program,
    you might use it in the following form:
    SELECT name,age FROM Customer

    In addition, you might see three dots (...) following a list in an example line.
    You don’t need to type the three dots. The three dots just mean that you can
    have as many items in the list as you want. For instance, when you see the
    following line

    SELECT field1,field2,... FROM tablename
    you don’t need to include the three dots in the statement. The three dots just
    mean that your list of fields can be longer than two. It means you can go on
    with field3, field4, and so forth. For example, your statement might be
    SELECT name,age,height,shoesize FROM Customer

    From time to time, you’ll also see some things in bold type. Pay attention to
    these; they either indicate something I want you to see or something that you
    need to type in.

    send me an email on [email protected] for your materials.

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