We have several openings available in this area earning N50,000.00 - N80,000.00 per month.

This is ONLY for:
- Job Seekers.
- Unemployed.
- Corper Graduates.

This is not:
- Marketing
- Recruiting
- Office Job.
- Finding Customers to buy and sell under the sun.

This is:
- Work PT/FT
- Be Self Employed
- Work at Home.

We are seeking only honest, self-motivated people with a desire to work in
the home, Copy and work (Nigerian) field, from the comfort of their
own homes.

The preferred applicants should be at least 18 years old with Internet

No experience is needed.

However the following skills are desirable:
Basic computer and typing skills
Ability to spell and print neatly
Ability to follow instructions

Laptop with Internet access
Valid email address
Good typing skills
Basic Internet knowledge

If you fit the above description and meet the requirements please apply at:
empowernigerians@gmail. com or send "Name, Phone Number, Location, Status (either Job seeker or Corper) E-mail address" to 08089157598

Please only SERIOUS and INTERESTED applicants

NOTE: If you do not have the above requirements, do not bother at all to join, you are not permitted especially in the case of a working Laptop.

This is a training and you are GUARANTEED to earn at least N55,000. 00 per month by the end.

It is FREE.

Venue would be sent to registered users ONLY.