Consider Unpaid Internships or Volunteer Work It might be difficult, but if you find that you can’t get a paid full-time job, you can apply to firms for unpaid internships or NGOs for volunteer work. Companies and NGOs will most likely yield to this and offer you an internship position which can help you gain some experience rather than just sitting idle. The experience gained can then qualify you for a higher level position when you decide to end the internship and return to the job market to continue your search. In some cases, for unpaid internships, if the company is impressed with your work as an intern, they can offer you a paid and more permanent position in the firm. Internships and volunteer work are great ways to get your foot in the door at a company or firm and learn some new skills, as well as gain some experience in the process.

1. Consider Selling Crafts or Offering Your Services

If you’re a crafty person (you like to make and invent things), you can try to sell some of your crafts. There are many online platforms, as well local craft fairs, that support this and if the patronage is good, you can actually turn it into a business. The same thing also applies to services. You can try to find work doing various tasks that you are either skilled at or passionate about. If the reception is also good and patronage is reasonably high, you can begin to advertise your services and make it a business. If the business continues to do well, you can also consider searching for entrepreneurial development initiatives and apply to them to help fund and grow your business in the long run. Bank loans are also another alternative, if you prefer.

2. Network

Networking can be a bit difficult, but thankfully it can be learned and can be very useful in helping secure a job. So, do the best you can to attend events that offer networking opportunities. Work on selling yourself appropriately at these events because networking remains one of the best ways to meet new people and get new leads. Also, be sure to ‘spruce’ your online presence and ensure it is up-to-date, professional and easily accessible to recruiters and other individuals that are or could be vital to your job search.

3. Consider Other Industries



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