Every man’s mountain is his ignorance and ignorance gives birth to poverty. Knowledge is the major cure for poverty, (Hosea4:6).
Knowledge is discovering what to do, how to do it, when to do it and doing it well constantly until you achieve desired results. That is true knowledge.
The major reasons most people remain poor:
Most people remain poor because they lack knowledge. (Hos. 4:6)
Most people remain poor because they fail to take the right actions at the right time.
Most people remain poor because they are not adventurous and daring enough.
Most people remain poor because they are indolent and always procrastinating. (Pro.10:4)
Most people remain poor because they are always doubters.
Most people remain poor because they lack proper planning and easily lose focus..
I was a victim of the above until I discovered a system, through knowledge, which has helped me get above poverty level and I conquered Pro.19:7
In this system I get paid in full in dollars at the end of the month according to my works and the #/$ exchange rate now is to my advantage. Now I understand Eccl.10:19 better.

  1. Success is for the Go-Getters.
  2. The secret to great success is shrouded in the mystery of ‘taking the bold step’.
  3. Diligence is the gateway to exploits.
  4. There is nothing that you tirelessly work that will not work for you.
  5. Strange dedication to labour leads to exploits.
  6. It takes passion to achieve success. It takes passion to possess your possession.


  • Are you a man or woman that has the passion, the zeal, the enthusiasm, to kick out poverty and become a blessing to others?
  • Can you afford at least 1 hour daily to work on the internet at your convenience?
  • Do you have the capacity to read and grasp points that will give you earning power?
  • Are you willing to learn and be mentored so you can make a formidable impact on others?

If you answer “YES”, then contact [email protected] to get details and get started.
NOTE: It is absolutely free.
I will mentor you and give you all necessary assistance you may require to succeed till you begin to mentor others too. Remember you are blessed just to be a blessing to others.