1Z0-051 is a required element of both the Database Administrator and Database Developer certification tracks. As such, this exam is one of the more common Oracle exams taken. Beyond the certification requirement, knowledge of SQL is extremely useful in the IT industry. The SQL Fundamentals exam is one of the easier tests that you will experience in becoming certified in Oracle. That said, you can still fail if you take it without being fully prepared. This article is intended to give you some insight into the test to assist in your study efforts.All of the topics that will be covered in the 1Z0-051 exam are listed on the Oracle Education website. Oracle SQL contains numerous capabilities that are not listed there, but they will not show up on the test. The topic lists from Oracle Education are always complete. The SQL Fundamentals exam has forty-one topics in eleven subject areas. The test itself will have seventy multiple-choice or multiple-answer questions and you&#8
Studying for 1Z0-051: Oracle Database 11g: SQL Fundamentals I