learning SQL can be one of the greatest career decisions you make.
Oracle SQL (Structured Query Machine) is a language used in programming and designed for querying and manipulating data held in a
relational database management system (RDBMS). Knowing Oracle SQL will allow you to self service and empower you to better analyze your organization's
business. It'll give you more insights into the business and less reliance on other core personnel, in time you'll find others will come to you to
get business intelligence and insights, yourself now being more valuable. Between the potential salary, no longer relying on others to give you information,
and being able to ask ANY question about your business, learning SQL enables you to do so much more than you could have done previously.

Course Summary
*Understand Database terminology
*Retrieving Data from an Oracle Database using SQL Commands (Select)
*Filtering Data based on business requirements using SQL Command (Where)
*Creating Tables and modifying its structure using SQL commands (Create, Alter)
*Joining Data from various Tables using SQL Joins
*Grouping Data and calculating summaries using SQL GROUP BY
*Enforcing Constraints on Tables using SQL commands (Create. Alter)
*Creating views using SQL command (Create View)
*Controlling the access to the users using SQL commands (GRANT, REVOKE)


Course Fee: 30,000 NGN
Duration: 5 Days
Date: On-Demand
Location: Magodo GRA, Phase 2