Certified Institute of Development Studies (CIDS, Nigeria)

The NEXT induction of new members for CIDS now holds in Lagos @ SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 10TH, 2O11.
INTERESTED? Register online. Request Word application form. Besides our website, you may also get more details on our FACEBOOK page Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More.

Certified Institute of Development Studies’ inauguration is for Nigerians – within and in diaspora – who Wish to ENSURE the INSTITUTIONALIZATION of GOOD GOVERNANCE & EQUITABLE LEADERSHIP at all levels in Nigeria
Is READY to INVEST own resources and knowledge to make attainment of SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT a reality for the benefits of all
Hope to INSPIRE and INSTIGATE a successor generation of development activists that will strive for the enthronement of JUSTICE, FAIRNESS & EQUITABLE distribution of Wealth
Will INSIST on principles of fair play and democratic norms in seeking power and leadership roles.
Besides, the needed professionals are: Those passionate about Personal and organizational development for optimal performance and service delivery
Those willing to ensure the institutionalization and continuity of good governance at all levels
Nigerians that are crying for the need for equitable distribution of national and communal wealth and the use of human and material resources to ensure sustainable development for all
People who are working with governmental and non-governmental agencies involved in empowering communities and individuals
Civil servants particularly working with development-oriented MDAs
Aides & Advisors to those involved in governance at all levels (local, state and federal)
Lecturers and trainers on development related concepts and disciplines
Those presently involved in or would want to be involved in the provision of good governance at all levels of the polity
Company staff involved in CSR
Entrepreneurs interested in the incorporation of good business ethics and best practices
Those in the civil society sector - local and international (CBOs, FBOs, NGOs, etc)
PROFESSIONALS WHO CAN BE MEMBERS OF CIDSBefore you decide to be part of CIDS, please ask yourself the following questions: Do you have a degree (or intend to pursue one) in any discipline?
Are you PASSIONATE about SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT at all levels -individual (human), community, and national and even global?
Are you INTERESTED in grooming self and others to be successor generation of development knowledge Activists, Facilitators or Consultants?
Do you BELIEVE that true and Sustainable Development issues like Good Governance, Community & Grass root Mobilization, Education For All, Environmental Health and Entrepreneurial/Economic Viability are realistic options for our generation?
If you are any or all of these, then you are invited to be part of CIDS.

PROSPECTUS: http://www.cidstudies.org/downloads_...prospectus.pdf

WHERE: Certified Institute of Development Studies

CONTACT US: Certified Institute of Development Studies