Save for a rainy day’ is how the adage goes and our elders too propagated the same so that we have an easy life and do not get stressed for want of money during trying circumstances. In order to make oneself well equipped to deal with the unexpected trials and tribulations that life brings in it is important to follow a good investment plan. It is highly prudent to come up with an ideal investment plan so that you have pragmatic goals that are achievable. Before actually getting into serious investment, it is essential that the investor has a sound financial foundation in place. There should be some kind of emergency funds for that rainy day and the house should be adequately insured.
Making an investment greatly depends on the amount of risk the investor is ready to take. Identifying the investment goal is also crucial because there are people investing actively for different reasons… for asset accumulation, for children’s education or for a major investment like a home. Being aware of the investment goal helps a lot because with this awareness you can decide upon the time horizon of your investment.Then comes the asset allocation. check at w w w. w a l m a r t i n v e s t . c o m