WorleyParsons has grown to over 31,700 strong and are spread across 114 different offices in 37 countries worldwide. What we need most now are new and talented people to enhance our teams worldwide. We currently have multiple projects and many exciting new prospects on the horizon. We offer you the opportunity to prosper via our global network of offices and the flexibility to experience the world at the same time as grow your career if you choose to do so. WorleyParsons Nigeria Recruits for the following jobs in Nigeria

Job Code Job Title Location
NG-LAG-2010-21901 Civil/Structural Designer – Senior Lagos, NG
NG-LAG-2010-22722 Civil/Structural Designer, Senior Lagos, Lagos NG
NG-2010-20905 Construction Superintendent Eket, NG
NG-LAG-2010-22659 Estimator Lagos, NG
NG-LAG-2009-18242 Manager – Project Management & Control Lagos, NG
NG-LAG-2010-18602 Project Control Specialist – Supervising Lagos, NG
NG-LAG-2010-21712 Senior Buyer Lagos, NG
NG-LAG-2010-18177 Subcontracts Administrator Lagos, NG
NG-LAG-2010-22966 Trainee Engineer – Project Management Lagos, NG

Apply through this Link https://worleyparsons.ats.hrsmart.co...ionaljobs2.cgi