I believe this site is meant for sharing information free of charge but some people are now turning it into a money making site. The most annoying part is that they are doing it selfishly for themselves and not even considering the moderators of this site who spend their time and resources to keep it functioning for all of us.

Someone posted for those who want information on tuition free universities in Europe to call or send him a mail. I did as he said only for him to reply me asking me to pay N500.00 into his account. How do i know if its true or its just one of those advance fee fraudsters who will disappear into thin air after the payment. There was no guarantee that i'll get the material.

Why can't we just be out brothers keeper?

In as much as i agree that the situation in the country is bad and everyone is looking for a means of survival, we should not let our quest for money make us blind to the reward for helping our neighbours or anyone we come across.

I want to commend our moderators and other members of the house for for their contributions. Thank you very much.